The Cast
Age: 20 Favorite color: Orange Favorite activity: Organizing her collection boxes
Age: 20 Favorite color: Red Favorite activity: Taking an ice-bath after a workout
Age: 18 Favorite color: Violet Favorite activity: Photographing insects
June’s journey into entomology began when her first semester photography
professor required students to choose a subject for a photo-series that they
haven’t worked with before. She met Cricket when they both tried to catch the
same butterfly- only that Cricket was using a net instead of a camera. The two
became good friends since then. Despite her love of insects for Art’s sake,
June has a lot to learn, with her gaps in knowledge sometimes frustrating
Cricket to no end.
Age: 19 Favorite color: Blue Favorite activity: Playing or Watching BaseballJon loves nothing more than crashing on the couch and turning on the big game, but somewhere along the way, he went from catching fly balls to house flies, which he analyzes under the university's scanning electron microscope. Now a member of the Student Entomological Association (SEA), Jon's laid-back personality balances out some of the other members' more "eccentric" characteristics.
Age: 21 Favorite color: Brown Favorite activity: Listening to vinyl records
Lee might be the most unlikely member of the SEA. You're more likely to find him spinning a new record than swinging a net, and more likely to catch him catching Z's than bees. In spite of that, he has been in the SEA longer than anyone else and perhaps has a knowledge of entomology to rival's Cricket's own. He just doesn't wear it as openly as she tends to do.
Age: 18 Favorite color: Green Favorite activities: (When allowed access to the lab): Playing with chemicals; (When suspended from the lab): Playing video games.
There's a lot of things that could be said about Martin. Most of them are not nice. Somehow he made it to adulthood without ever learning to filter what he says, causing most to keep him at arm's length. Falling in with the SEA was almost a blessing, as it provided him a group to discuss his interests in chemical pesticides without seeming out-of-place. While he still has some work to do on learning what "tact" and "self-restraint" are, most of the SEA consider him a welcomed member.
Age: 19 Favorite color: Yellow Favorite activity: Gardening
Shaye grew up on a farm and so issues like crop protection are something she follows closely. She is studying entomology so that she can use the knowledge to help with her family's farm, while also providing future job opportunities if the need arises. Typically level-headed, she can be provoked to flashes of anger, especially by comments coming from a certain red-head...